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Showing posts with label Windows Solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows Solutions. Show all posts

All Files Have A .LNK Extension? How To Fix Windows Error.

You are trying to start a program from a desktop shortcut and,to your surprise nothing happens or Windows is asking you with what program would you like to use to open the .lnk file.
If this is happening then you have a Windows Registry error,which is caused by a failed Windows update,a faulty driver or in some cases a computer virus.

STEP 1: Restore .LNK file association settings in Windows registry

Your machine does not recognize the .exe extension because of an error in your Windows Registry,to fix this issue,we can run any of the below steps to fix it.

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Uninstalling An Application Completely From A Windows PC

Have you ever got a problem, like you have installed an application but it is not installed correctly & again when you want to install that application it show you error continuously. You have tried every method every method that can solve out your problem like Clearing registry file, Clearing cache files etc.
But, here I am to give you a far better solution. Here your problem comes to an end.

It is software for Windows Platform to solve out your problem with name Revo Uninstaller Pro. It helps a lot to you to solve out the re-installing problems of applications.

Revo Uninstaller has a lot of great features, and the free version is something everyone should have on their system. It's better at finding leftover files and registry entries than Windows' built-in uninstaller, and includes things like a "Hunter Mode" that let you click on any running application to uninstall it.

The pro version is even better, though: not only does it have more advanced scanning techniques, but you can monitor system changes, backup your registry before you delete old keys, and—our favorite feature of the bunch—uninstall multiple programs at once.
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